I take after my Mother in one very distinctive way, I care too much sometimes. I give my all to people I allow into my life. In fact, the people that I bend over for are rare and sometimes it comes as a surprise to myself and the person that I'm helping out as to how far I will actually go. There are times, many times up to this point in my life when I've been walked on and looked over after I've gone the extra mile for an individual.
Recently I didn't sign a contract when signing on to work with a photo company and I got screwed over the rights to my photos and maybe even some publication of the work as well. Not only am I too old to know better, but I'm too talented to be taken advantage of. I'm nice, too nice, and only a special few have seen the result of my anger, the purest form of emotion that can come out of a person when it's held in reserve for an extremely long period of time.
So here's the update, my photo rates for jobs or gigs start at $150.00 an hour and extend to $250.00 an hour. That's still extremely cheap in most cases. Everyone needs to take into consideration that photographers, good ones, have to charge for the hours they will be editing your photos. Just because it's digital doesn't mean it's automatic. Just to point out, yes there are pre-designed shitty programs that beginners can use to edit there photos and attempt to make the look "special", however someone that has skills in the extended outlet of editing can do more to a photograph than your average "joe" and then some.
I will not be doing anything without contract. I will no longer take mercy on my friends. This will be the last year for free weddings or "favors". My camera costs more than my first car so I don't need to deal with the dirt from your shoe in my face.
I am for hire. No favors. Thanks for all the work, I'll make sure to get right on it.
Sincerely, Pissed off and Fed up photographer.