My artwork is taking a turn. Between the shadows of legends before, to the current victories made by younger and upcoming artists, I am living in a reflection of constant NOW. There's a feeling of "so close" and yet it constantly stays just out of reach.
Recently I've revisited one of my favorite poets, Patti Smith. It wasn't a lack of naivete or strength of overwhelming knowledge, but yet a comfort of knowing the unknown to try and know. To know What? To know, that's all you or I ever needed to know. The ability to form words, words into songs, or plainly written in ink on dried tree pulp to move thousands of people in all walks of life...this was the conscious living of Patti. This all links together, just hang in there.
Then there's this new artist, new to me, I read about today on AOL's website named Zena Holloway. Here's a woman who started traveling the seas at 18 as a diving instructor and through the years has honed in on her photography skills to create immaculate underwater images. Something yet to strive for. Immersion into a constant changing and altering mass such as water is a breath-taking endeavor when you look into her images.
Before I venture too much further into my mind and leave you by the blogger roadside I want to wrap this up. Between the known of Patti and the unknown of the sea there's an understanding and explanation waiting to happen.
I am feeling the wait disperse from my skin and accepting the cool & fresh feeling of NEW art flow out of me. Definition in new forms, art in new directions. Past to present, as we all know links us, one by one, is ever-present in today's knowledge of what WILL be.
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