Sunday, May 1, 2011


It is what it is. I appreciate the positive and negative feedback from the last blog. The last blog was a rant. I was angry and I still am about a couple of things, but these are the thoughts,trials, and tribulations, of an artist, person, who is going through this life trying to make "it" what "it" is.

As for anyone commenting on my blog, I appreciate all of the words. It gives me the opportunity to look at things differently. I'm open to constructive criticism. Unfortunately, not everyone who has commented has justified or taken the time to explain where their comments are rooted from. Some people hide behind old, stale, song quotes, meanwhile others just leave me hanging with "mediocre".

Either way these things are a positive. Thank you for taking such an interest in a moment I thought no one would even care about or see.

Until next time.

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