Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Porch Reunion

These last warm autumn days and these perfectly cooled nights are appropriately celebrated on a front porch and with a cold beer. Best friends side by side and silence greets my conscience with calm, renewed, understanding.

It's been approximately nine years since we last sat on this porch and enjoyed the same feeling. Not a word is uttered, but our hearts slow to a beat that fits the "new experience". This front porch has now become a poetic justice and something witness to a full circle event.

Years ago we used to make fun of computers, technological gadgets, and cell phones. Today we, my best friend and I, sit here using our laptops side by side and are listing to music pouring out of my cell phone. It hasn't even been a full ten years and the things around us seem so foreign, but our laughter and sense of humor has not changed a bit.

We fought for this friendship, on this porch. We kissed once, on this porch. We cried, on this porch. We got drunk and danced, on this porch. We watched parents and siblings grow older, on this porch. We watched the paint chip and the wood bend, on this porch. We saw neighbors scream, weather change, and lights flicker on this porch.

People wait their whole life to understand their memories and we are sitting here building on top of ours. With wisdom from travel, time, mistakes, and heartbreak we are building a new porch.

This is our porch. We invite you to sit and stay a while.

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