I feel like a lot of "this" is process. Using music, notes, books, Internet, and beyond to constantly fling our minds in and out of portals of the past and present.
I had a friend who once said to me "I wish I could be there for the next chapter of your life, but only you can write those chapters, because I know you will make each chapter that much more interesting than the next." If people ask me what I'm up to I tear from that moment with my friend these few sentences; "I'm on my way to something greater than my imagination. Writing a new chapter in my novel."
The further I get into my own novel I find that I flip backwards through those pages more and more to get clarity about the next step, word, or purpose. I think the most moving forum I use is music. Music seems to take me to "that" place instantaneously. There's often a very clear memory attached to the songs I listen to. I choose to keep them in my life as a reminder or a portal that is there weather I need it or not.
Second would be writing I've done. Most of it is cryptic. If it's a clear piece of writing then it's most definitely for someone else to read someday for some purpose. Those pieces are left behind as a time capsule for people to read later. I am pretty sure I just admitted how much of a narcissistic artist I really am.
All the other forms of media or resources that I surround myself with are triggers. I find that if I choose to pick up a book I've never gone through before or play with a roll of tape for a while something triggers and I'll get that idea I have to write it down. I pause to record that thought and then create around it. Each object, photo on the wall, printout lying on the floor, or marking on the wall are "things" I use to push this process into motion.
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