Wednesday, August 31, 2011

With our Tender Bellies Wrapped in Bailing Wire

For My Best Friend - TMJ
For his solace and soul.
(i know there's a spelling error in the drawing)

Temporarly Paused

Reboot. My system is slow, more ram, more rest, less power to gain more power. There is a time and place when you reflect and know, more than you should, not enough right now, but in time it all settles like dirt in your glass.

28 years and what is there yet to know, so much, so little. Observations of bent bodies and crooked spines. Beauty in what is unseen, but smelt.

This is a wonderful & magical place at times. I might shatter, that's my reality here. It's a dry and brittle climate, but I have my knowledge and education to carry me on this wind.

House hunting again and again. Moving to be within. Nesting again and again.

If I could just steal one tomorrow, I might rest.